How Long Can You Drive with Bad Struts

Struts are a component of your vehicle’s suspension system that helps to absorb shocks and maintain contact between the tires and the road. They are very important as far as safety is concerned.

When struts begin to deteriorate or fail, it can have a significant impact on your driving experience and safety, hence why they should be replaced immediately. But what if the struts got damaged in the middle of nowhere? how long can you drive with them?

How Long Can You Drive with Bad Struts?

You can drive between 200 – 500 miles with bad struts depending on the extent of damage, driving conditions, and the driver’s tolerance for reduced performance and comfort.

However, it is not advisable to continue driving with bad struts for a long period of time. The exact timeline can vary depending on the severity of the strut damage and your driving conditions.

Therefore, it’s best to address strut issues as soon as they become noticeable. Ignoring them can not only affect your vehicle’s performance and safety but can also lead to more extensive and costly repairs in the long run.

Remember that your safety and the safety of your passengers should always be the top priority, and well-maintained struts are an important component in ensuring a safe and enjoyable driving experience.

Don’t wait until bad struts cause a serious problem before you do something about it, take action immediately to maintain your vehicle’s performance and your safety on the road.

Factors that Determine How Long You Can Drive with Bad Struts

The factors that determine how long you can drive with bad struts are:

The Nature of the Road You Drive

The nature of the road you drive plays a significant role in how long you can drive with bad struts. If the road is good with no or fewer portholes, you are likely to get up to 500 miles with bad struts. But if the road is bad with road debris, the likelihood of getting such high mileage with bad struts are slim.

Severity of Strut Damage

The extent of damage to your struts plays a significant role in determining how long you can continue driving with it. Minor wear and tear may not result in immediate safety concerns, but as the damage worsens, your driving experience will deteriorate.

You can choose to temporarily fix the damaged strut or replace the struts to permanently fix the problem.

Your Driving Conditions

The type of driving conditions you encounter can affect how long you can drive with bad struts. If you primarily drive on smooth, well-maintained roads, you might be able to tolerate bad struts for a bit longer than if you frequently encounter rough or uneven terrain.

Your Level of Tolerance on Roug Ride

Some drivers are more tolerant of a rougher ride and compromised handling than others. However, even if you can tolerate it, it doesn’t mean it’s safe or ideal to drive with bad struts for an extended period. It is a bad idea. Please have it fixed as soon as possible.

Reasons to Replace Your Bad Struts

Reasons why you should replace the bad struts as soon as possible are:

1. To Improved Safety

The major reason for fixing a bad strut is the improvement in safety. Struts are a vital part of your vehicle’s suspension system, and they play a crucial role in maintaining control and stability, especially during braking, cornering, and sudden maneuvers.

A damaged strut can compromise these functions, leading to reduced control and potentially hazardous driving conditions.

2. To Enhances Handling and Stability

Bad struts can result in a bumpy and uncomfortable ride, with poor handling and stability. Replacing them with new or properly functioning struts can significantly improve your vehicle’s ride quality, making it more comfortable and stable on the road.

3. For Better Tire Performance

Bad struts can lead to uneven tire wear due to improper weight distribution and alignment issues. When you replace damaged struts, your vehicle’s weight is distributed more evenly, resulting in better tire performance and longer tire life. This can save you money in the long run.

4. To Improve Cornering and Braking

Struts help keep the tires in contact with the road, which is essential for effective cornering and braking. Replacing bad struts can enhance your vehicle’s ability to handle corners and provide shorter stopping distances, contributing to overall safety.

5. To Enhance Comfort When Driving

Bad struts can make your daily commute and longer trips uncomfortable due to excessive bouncing, vibrations, and noise. Fixing them can significantly improve ride comfort, making your journeys more enjoyable for both you and your passengers.

6. To Increase Vehicle Longevity

By addressing bad struts as soon as possible, you can help extend the overall lifespan of your vehicle. Struts play a role in protecting other suspension components and the vehicle’s frame from unnecessary wear and tear. Preventing further damage to these parts can save you from more extensive and costly repairs in the future.

7. To Help With Fuel Efficiency

A properly functioning suspension system can contribute to better fuel efficiency. When your vehicle rides smoothly and handles well, you’re less likely to waste fuel due to inefficient driving or excessive strain on the engine.

Consequences of Driving with Bad Struts

The consequences of driving with bad struts are:

  • It ReduceS Handling and Control: Bad struts can affect your vehicle’s handling and control, making it less stable and less responsive to steering inputs. This can increase the risk of accidents, especially in emergency situations.
  • Uneven Tire Wear: Bad struts can cause your tires to wear unevenly, which not only shortens their lifespan but also negatively impacts your vehicle’s traction and braking performance.
  • Longer Braking Distances: Effective suspension is crucial for maintaining proper braking performance. Bad struts can lead to longer braking distances, which can compromise safety.
  • Discomfort: A deteriorating ride quality is often one of the first noticeable consequences of bad struts. You’ll experience a rougher and less comfortable ride, especially on uneven roads.


How long you can drive with bad struts depends on the level of damage on the struts, your driving conditions, and your tolerance for reduced performance and comfort. If you are okay with these factors, then you can still be able to drive between 200 – 500 miles or higher with bad struts.

However, it is important to note that the earlier you replace the struts the better because the more you drive with them, the more they get damaged and may get to the point where they will damage other parts of the suspension, leading to expensive repairs and replacement.